Sunday, November 1, 2009

In the words of a good friend,
'so let everybody love for once, let everybody laughso let everybody cry for once, in tears on behalfof feelin great' on feelin loveof feelin great' on feelin abovewe are friends, we are familywe are time, we are memories'
He knows exactly how to put feelings into words.
I have the best friends, and a lot of people say, oh yup, I've got the greatest friends, but really, no one and nothing can compare to my friends.
You meet the greatest people in your travels. And you don't have to travel very far to meet them.
20 mins away from Grimsby, I met the best group of kids. They're a lot like me, kind, gentle hearted, and genuine.
Putting others first, making you feel like you belong somewhere. Even if where you belong isn't great, at least you've got people there for you.
People that you can trust.
I have 4 people who truely stand out to me. Who I will go to for anything.
Kerri, dayn, maggie and cory.
Kerris like my sister, I can talk to her about anything, we can cry together and end up putting smiles on each others faces.
Dayn, he's been there with me, through so much. I can't ever thank him enough. I feel like I owe him everything. He's been there when everything felt like it was falling apart.
Maggie, mother maggie, she showed me recently that she will be there for me, if I am ever hurt, if I am ever sad, I can come to her and she will always be there.
And cory, I haven't known him long, but he is genuine, and I know I can trust him. I feel like I've known him for years, when really, its been months.
I can't thank anyone enough for the amount of genorocity they've shown and given me.
It blows my mind at the amount of shit someone will go through to see there friends happy. Completely blows me away.

My friends, are my family.
Through thick and thin.
To the moon and back.