Wednesday, June 17, 2009

depression sets in

Well, this is when depression sets in,
my friends all now have theyre lisences, meaning they don't need me anymore as a friend/taxi/buyer of smokes/booze, whatever.
I just feel so secluded and torn and washed out.
Hopefully with this job, i'll get some money under my belt and hopefully be able to move, i mean why should i be in grimsby ? there's nothing for me, no one for me. 
My 'friends' don't need me, don't really care about me anymore. Honestly, they all have cars now, they can get places on there own. 
I just want to cry. or move, moving would be cool.
I just need to get out of this boring town, move somewhere and start something new. 
I want to be 18 again, have him to hangout with, be able to have someone tell me i'm worth it, worth sticking around for.
That's another thing, I like helping people out, i really like knowing i'm doing something good for someone. I hate to see people depressed. I like making people happy, seeing people smile because of something i did or helped out with. 
Fuck, depression hurts.

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