Friday, August 28, 2009

okay honestly...

girls in this god damned town are too fucking ridiculous.
take a look around you. there's nothing and no body. if you don't get out and realize there's an entire world waiting for you, you're going to be stuck here, forever.
you cry about the most ridiculous things, i mean, there are other things to be worried about.
i'm beyond excited to leave and meet some real people and create real friendships, friendships not based on looks or money. i'm so sick of everyone being so immature and fucked up.
if anyone moved from a big city, to our small town, they'd be disgusted at the amount of drama we, ourselves create.
it's dog-eat-dog in this town, and i'm so fucking excited to get away from it.
sure i'll miss some people, sure i'll miss my family and friends.
but i sure as hell, won't miss the amount of drama in this town.
i hate the amount of immaturity here. there's so many other things we as teenagers could be doing.
people rely on the smallest of things here, everyone is all talk.
all talk and no doing. if you say your going to get out, get out now. do it while you still can, while your parents still think your a silly teenager who doesn't know what you want with life.
i wish i did, i wish i got out when i was 18 and didn't know what i wanted.
i still don't, i'm 20, but at least now i can figure things out for myself, lead my own life, have my own responsibilities.
theres going to be no one telling me what i can and cannot do.
theres nothing in this town for me, and i'm so fucking glad i'm leaving.

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