Saturday, September 26, 2009


The city inspires me, to be different, but the same.
Because as much as we all want to be unique, we are all the same.
We think the same, smoke the same, dress the same, talk the same.

A friend sent me a few but inspiring words, it really made my day.
Kerri moves in, in one week, i'm beyond excited.

Saturday, September 19, 2009


so fuck you to whoever doubted me..
fuck who didn't believe in me..
fuck who thought i wouldn't go through with it..
fuck who said i was crazy to do this..
and fuck who ever thought i'd never get out of grimsby.

look at me now bitches. i'm out, and i love it.
finally moved, finally start my job, finally i can start over,
without bullshit, without shitty friends, and without drama.

i'm beyond excited. so fuck you.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

let me stand next to your fire.

I start working on tuesday, this is big guys..
this means i'm actually moving, this means i'm starting my life.
this means i'm going to have to pay rent, buy food, save my money, work a typical 9-5 job.
i'm going to be one of the million people getting on the 7:30 subway to make it to work on time because of all the traffic.
i'm going to be a ratio.
i'm going to be living by myself til october 1st.
i hope i don't flip out, i hope i'm not homesick.
i hope my friends come see me, and visit, and are able to grasp i can't party on weeknights anymore.
i'm going to have to find something to do with my 'spare' time.
maybe i'll start a new hobby. that doesn't require you to pay, because as we all know... i'll have no extra money.
god damn. i'm going to need to stop myself from so many things.
i hope i can do it.
i need alot more motivation than i have now.
i wish my friends were more helpful...

Thursday, September 3, 2009

9 days is going to seem like eternity..

I got the job !
I'm overly excited about the next few days !
Watching Atonement is making me realize love never dies.
I think the real, true reason i'm moving, is because i want to start over.
Start over fresh, without anyone in my mind and no one in my heart.
It's going to be so hard, and i'm going to hate it and i'm going to miss him.
But i can't keep doing this to myself.
Change makes you better, and i'm so ready for it.
Tell me i can't, and i will prove you wrong.
Tell me i'm crazy and i will agree.
I'm so ready to move, so ready for my new life.