Tuesday, September 8, 2009

let me stand next to your fire.

I start working on tuesday, this is big guys..
this means i'm actually moving, this means i'm starting my life.
this means i'm going to have to pay rent, buy food, save my money, work a typical 9-5 job.
i'm going to be one of the million people getting on the 7:30 subway to make it to work on time because of all the traffic.
i'm going to be a ratio.
i'm going to be living by myself til october 1st.
i hope i don't flip out, i hope i'm not homesick.
i hope my friends come see me, and visit, and are able to grasp i can't party on weeknights anymore.
i'm going to have to find something to do with my 'spare' time.
maybe i'll start a new hobby. that doesn't require you to pay, because as we all know... i'll have no extra money.
god damn. i'm going to need to stop myself from so many things.
i hope i can do it.
i need alot more motivation than i have now.
i wish my friends were more helpful...

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