Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So that's what you call a getaway,
what the hell did you get away with ?

So, tell me he didn't just comment on that sluts picture. of course.
I'd like to curl up and die and wish i'd never lurked his stupid profile anyways.
I do wish he was sitting beside my on my couch though, that'd be cute. 
What was that night ? apparently it was nothing to him. I'm such a nice person and don't get anything in return. 
Thanks...maybe this is karma kicking my ass, yet again.
So, i'm not moving now. i'm so bummed about it, I really hope i can find a cute apartment, or live with my aunt or something.
Not moving in with you, could open up a world of possibilities. 
Possibilities i really, really like.

Monday, April 27, 2009

2 fish.

I miss this day.
I'm going to toronto today, This weekend was fun filled.
Friday was gorgeous, Sunny and hot. Brodown/hotflashes was also that night.
Bro down, was so disappointing, but hot flashes on the other hand. 
Oh my dear, It was super fun and I finally met paul. And got really drunk.
Saturday was sunny, until it rained, we hung out with alison and a bunch of people, then went to kelly's for her Candlelight party. =)
Yesterday we went to the fair, and we went lazertagging ! How exciting !
This was a really fun weekend. 
I miss decadence.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

momma (L)

Mom's surgery went well, she's hopped up on morphene and is just tired.
She's a trooper and will be fine :)
Last night was good, he stayed at my house and we cuddled and watched tv today.
I miss him and wish he was still in my life, no matter what anyone says. 
He's a good person and he really means well.
He's been through tough, tough shit and i just wish i was there by his side again.
He needs someone stable in his life. 
''do i still love you?" 'i don't know, do you?'
that was the cutest thing of life. 
ugh, i miss him (L)

Monday, April 20, 2009

merry 420.

LOL flight of the conchords, are actually so hilarious.
So jealous they're playing tomorrow and the next day in Toronto. 
WISH i could go see them. 
It's 420, it's been a year with my septum. :)
So excited on not smoking weed today...Excited on the new apartment. 
Hopefully I'll be moving in the second or third week of may, that's what i'm hoping. 
Ugh, i really want to move. It's all i think about. 
Gotta go take a creamy fall toke.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


It was so good seeing old friends, and enjoying myself, having drinks for once.
I'm glad he came, we talked, figured some things out. 
I want to help him, I wish he would listen and take offers. 
Im glad he stayed up there though, Maybe they can talk some sense into him. 
What a good night.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

spring time.

It's spring time ladies and gentlemen.
I'm beyond excited for spring / summer. 
I can't wait, I really hope i get to move.
There's not much mom can do about it other than not give me money.
But i mean, when i get my tax return... ;)

Friday, April 17, 2009

look at my heart and unbreak broken.

Today, was the most gorgeous day. 
We almost had an accident...but luckily he's alright :)
Hanging out with kerri and kelly, such fun times. 
"boom dee yatta"
It was a fun day all around, chilled at the barn, waterfall, crashed a quarry party, got fish and chips. 
I'm going to waterloo tomorrow, I'm very, very excited. 
I miss everyone there, so so so much. 
Stoked i didn't spend 20 dollars to see emmure.. i've seen them once, don't have to see them again.
I really hope i get to move to toronto with paul. He's a really nice dude from what i've learned.
I haven't met him yet, but will at hot flashes.
Oh, hot flashes....hopefully this time will be better than the last. 
Tonight was full of hilarious times, seeing people i haven't seen in a while. 
Stoked on the warm weather :)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


The only fucking thing stopping me from moving is my fucking money situation.
Fuck the resession, fuck not having a job, fuck canada post.
The place that I could possibly be living in, is gorgeous, cheap for what it is, sexy and high up.
It's everything i could have ever wanted in an apartment.
Aside from not having a closing door, but you know what, i'll fucking deal with it.
This place is amazing, I just want school to be over, for my tax return to come in and for me to gtfo of grimsby.

Monday, April 13, 2009

sex and the city

I've come to the conclusion.
I'm going to get married in a library, a big, open library, with thousands upon thousands of books.
Why, because that's where all the great love stories are held, and i want mine to be added.
I'm watching sex and the city, thinking about what i'm doing with my life, also thinking about getting married.
Marriage is a really funny thought, and an awkward thought.
I think i'm going to be the first out of all my cousins to get married, i think.
"marriage ruins everything"
Oh god.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

easter festivities.

It's easter. Gotta go to nonna's today, just to eat some fantastic lasanga that only happens twice a year.
It's that good... it can only be made twice a year. lol.
Last night we saw haunting in connecticut, i couldn't sleep a little.
It wasn't as scary as i thought, it was just kinda gross and disturbing..and like, it kinda freaked me out how it was based on true events. FUCK THAT.
I wanna cuddle with tha boy, I miss the other boy, alot. 
I feel bad i keep ditching him, i mean it's not my fault but like, It's upsetting.
Dayn and i are getting ready, probably hanging out with matt and vic later ! 
See yuh !

Friday, April 10, 2009


Well, last night blew my mind completely.
Partying all night was the cherry on top to my week. 
Partying with Amanda, Kerri, Maddie, Reiner, Spencer and George was pretty sweet, i miss those guys.
All i really want to do is sleep right now, and eat.
Mom's making a big dinner tonight. (Y) pretty excited !
I'm going to nap. See yuh !

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Tonight's hockey game was full of fun. 
Grimsby beat Germany.
Thats right....Germany came all the get their asses owned by none other than ... grimsby.
Uh.. fuck yeah ?
I'm currently excited for mstrkrft on thursday, should be a shitshow, all depending on weather 'cabinhat' gets us on guestlist.
Apparently his credibility is a little low......oh well, if not, amanda and i can hang in toronto. or just pay 30 bucks for advance tickets and party party party !
Mom's situation took a turn for the worst. 
I was pretty upset today and thankfully all my friends are there for me and i love them.
She was just taking it all in today, seeing my mom cry is like, the worst thing ever.
Oh, i tried to make perogies today...epic fail. 
Today was weird, i was supposed to go see him, but due to the circumstances of today i had to rescheduale. 
My mom really wants to help dayn out with his portfolio, so we're going to her friends show at some bar in hamilton and he's going to take pictures. 
My mom said I could go stay with my aunt and look for job's in toronto, if i get a job, my nana said she'd back me in getting an apartment. 
How stoked am i? 
Things are looking up. 
"22 ya plug"

gloomy day

Today's real gloomy, I'm not excited, I had to clean my car off.
What the FUCK. It's april....i mean come on.
Mom finds out test results today.
Only thing that's on my mind right now. ugh.

Monday, April 6, 2009


This weekends event's were...different, but super fun and awesome.
A day to remember was beyond amazing. I don't usually go nuts at shows, but, I kind of did.
It was so fun hanging with maggie, kerri, and kelly. 
I'm currently watching goldmember. What a hilarious movie. 
I think today's going to be a lazy day. It's so rainy and gross out. 
I'm pretty sore today. Crazy push moshers...
"Shat on a turtle!"

Saturday, April 4, 2009

what ?

Are you actually serious right now ?
I love the feeling of being used.
Fuck you.
If you were to sing me city & colour, kiss my nose, and ask me to marry you,
I might die of happiness.

the long face.

Last night, was really fun, I met more new people and partied with my best frands.
Super excited. There's so much going on this weekend, and so many people's birthdays !
At kelly's last night, i was....the only sober one. ugh@mylife.
There are a bunch of sweet pictures and hilarious inside jokes.
Matt's playing Wii and has a hangover, what's new though right ?
Needs is having a party tonight, as is beth. I'll probably end up going to both, just showin my face around town.
I'm supposed to go to absinthe tonight, but i don't know how that's going to turn out. I have no money. 
Getting home at 10 to 7 on friday morning, really messed my sleep patterns up. Ugh.

Friday, April 3, 2009

new friends.

Well, last night made up for my shitty time at hot flashes.
So fun :) I met alot of new people and got to hangout with one's i haven't seen in forever. (KENNY !!)
Surprisingly i got hammered. 
Cuddlin' with tha boy was supah cute. ;) 
This weekend should be full of fun-filled, drunken slurs and laughs. 
Kelly's tonight, Absinthe saturday, and Toronto on sunday for ADTR.
Pretty unstoked on my money situation though, FUCK shit.
I feel like a bag of crap today. I need a greasy pizza with lots of cheese and dipping sauce.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


I don't know why i was so bummed today.
I got called emo.
What the fuck ?! who the fuck still calls people that.
School was a waste of time and i was just pissed the entire time.
I want a new car...mine is going to shit.
I forget what i was going to write.....

negative nancy

Okay, so, we're all at ally's, just hangin, and obviously someone has to say something the wrong way...and obviously since both of the boy's 'reputation' is gigantic, they've gotta keep it that way, and start chirping each other. 
I mean really ? were they ever taught to just ignore..?
Anyways. that pissed me off.
Yesterday was really fun and it turned out to be a beautiful day, I was really excited to go, and woke up to rain. Around 12 the sun was out and shining ! We head to value village for a monthly update on vintage's. 
Then go straight to toronto. Surprisingly it wasn't that busy and the traffic seemed minimal. 
We hung around toronto, paid for some parking, smoked alot of cigarettes and met up with Natalie and Warren. 
Eating lunch was funny, the girl at new york fries had the worst job of life, couldn't open a new roll of penny's because it was covered in tape, she had a moustache and didn't speak much english.
Then we went to ally's friend alex's apartment and she got a few records and a sweater off him. He seemed a little down in the dumps, but apparently just lost a job....I know how that feels completely.
After that, we finally head to the orientation, It's a really, really cool festival and i'm actually so stoked to be volunteering.
I'm just iffy about how i'm going to get there without a job. 
Hopefully i'll work something out and maybe can stay at aunt marnie's for a day, That'd be nice I haven't done that in years.
On our way home, we stopped at tanners. 
It was really fun and i hadn't seen him in months ! 
Off to my appt. 
Catch ya later, Alligator.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

this is me caring.

First of all, why can't i have style like her.
Secondly, why does every fucking thing get handed to him and he never, ever feels bad about it.
Thirdly, why do i still fucking care. 
So, the deal is, i break up with you and you move away and you STILL insist on hanging with my friends.
Fuck off please ?! You actually don't deserve to be fucking happy you lieing sack of fucking shit.
How was i ever friends with you, or how did i ever think i could date you and be happy. I fucking hated you for so long.
(It's thundering and lightning outside. ugh) I gave you everything, and you repay me by....oh, cheating on me.
That's so nice of you.
But you know, karma is a bitch and you'll get what you deserve soon enough.
Enough of that, I applied at Nicholby's yesterday at gateway. 
Maybe they'll be nice enough to hire me and bring me out of this debt hole i've crawled into and can't seem to find my way out of.
Ally, Dayn and I and maybe Paul, are going to Toronto today. Hopefully i get to see allie, so we can chat. 
She always gives the best advice and is THE best listener on the face of this planet.
I wish it'd stop raining out so my hair won't go curly today.. Fuck.
It's 9:32 and I need to shower. 
Hopefully today will be fun :D