Friday, April 17, 2009

look at my heart and unbreak broken.

Today, was the most gorgeous day. 
We almost had an accident...but luckily he's alright :)
Hanging out with kerri and kelly, such fun times. 
"boom dee yatta"
It was a fun day all around, chilled at the barn, waterfall, crashed a quarry party, got fish and chips. 
I'm going to waterloo tomorrow, I'm very, very excited. 
I miss everyone there, so so so much. 
Stoked i didn't spend 20 dollars to see emmure.. i've seen them once, don't have to see them again.
I really hope i get to move to toronto with paul. He's a really nice dude from what i've learned.
I haven't met him yet, but will at hot flashes.
Oh, hot flashes....hopefully this time will be better than the last. 
Tonight was full of hilarious times, seeing people i haven't seen in a while. 
Stoked on the warm weather :)

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