Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Tonight's hockey game was full of fun. 
Grimsby beat Germany.
Thats right....Germany came all the way..to get their asses owned by none other than ... grimsby.
Uh.. fuck yeah ?
I'm currently excited for mstrkrft on thursday, should be a shitshow, all depending on weather 'cabinhat' gets us on guestlist.
Apparently his credibility is a little low......oh well, if not, amanda and i can hang in toronto. or just pay 30 bucks for advance tickets and party party party !
Mom's situation took a turn for the worst. 
I was pretty upset today and thankfully all my friends are there for me and i love them.
She was just taking it all in today, seeing my mom cry is like, the worst thing ever.
Oh, i tried to make perogies today...epic fail. 
Today was weird, i was supposed to go see him, but due to the circumstances of today i had to rescheduale. 
My mom really wants to help dayn out with his portfolio, so we're going to her friends show at some bar in hamilton and he's going to take pictures. 
My mom said I could go stay with my aunt and look for job's in toronto, if i get a job, my nana said she'd back me in getting an apartment. 
How stoked am i? 
Things are looking up. 
"22 ya plug"

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