Wednesday, April 1, 2009

this is me caring.

First of all, why can't i have style like her.
Secondly, why does every fucking thing get handed to him and he never, ever feels bad about it.
Thirdly, why do i still fucking care. 
So, the deal is, i break up with you and you move away and you STILL insist on hanging with my friends.
Fuck off please ?! You actually don't deserve to be fucking happy you lieing sack of fucking shit.
How was i ever friends with you, or how did i ever think i could date you and be happy. I fucking hated you for so long.
(It's thundering and lightning outside. ugh) I gave you everything, and you repay me by....oh, cheating on me.
That's so nice of you.
But you know, karma is a bitch and you'll get what you deserve soon enough.
Enough of that, I applied at Nicholby's yesterday at gateway. 
Maybe they'll be nice enough to hire me and bring me out of this debt hole i've crawled into and can't seem to find my way out of.
Ally, Dayn and I and maybe Paul, are going to Toronto today. Hopefully i get to see allie, so we can chat. 
She always gives the best advice and is THE best listener on the face of this planet.
I wish it'd stop raining out so my hair won't go curly today.. Fuck.
It's 9:32 and I need to shower. 
Hopefully today will be fun :D

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