Thursday, May 28, 2009

busy p what the fuck !

Well, This week's been interesting.
Busy P was AMAZING, so many laughs and fun times.
Found a new bar to go to when kelly and kerri and i move to toronto, the cadillac lounge.
What an awesome bar.
Mom's going away this weekend, STOKED.
Lets get sloppy.
Hot flashes tomorrow, Saturday bonfires at my house, sunday chills :)
Oh, i love how i made a fucking fool of myself, i'm so awesome sometimes.
Seriously, tell me not to be a wuss next time. 
I also miss care bears, "Sunshine bear"

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

bye pup.

Today's a sad day, we have to put my pup down. 
He's not a pup anymore, he can't walk, has badass arthritis in his hips. 
My dad's really upset, seeing him like that is so heartbreaking.
Hopefully my friends will cheer me up, they usually tend too anyways, even when i'm in a horrible mood. 
It's super, super nice out today, like, hot...but all i want to do is lay on the beach drinkin ice cold lemonade. 
Speaking of lemonade....I didn't have any.
Only fruitpunch.
I hate applying online. It fucking sucks.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

good morning summer.

Hello Summer, Goodbye Spring.
Hello tanning, long nights, job-finding, cigarettes, whisky, music and friends.
This weekend was probably one of the greatest yet, long weekends always seem to satisfy.
A lot of funny inside jokes, hanging out at the jamspace, driving and laughs.
I'm so excited about this summer, but I really need a job. Recession can lick my balls.
I'm going outside, it's way to nice to be in.

Friday, May 15, 2009

what the hell am i doing ?

For some reason, he gets to me. 
For some reason, i like it.

Kelly and I went tanning for my first time, I was super scared, and the scene in final destination where they both die in tanning booths was repeating itself in my head. Super cool.
I really want to go again, The woman at the tanning place put me in for 10 minutes, and i only got burnt in certain spots, like around my belly button ? and my knees, and right where my throat hits my collar bones......I really don't know what it's called.

Last night was really fun, We tried to pull an all nighter, it was a huge epic fail. 
I had a mickey of whisky, and they drank it. 
It's okay, cause at least they asked me.
Singing along to brand new, half cuddling, being completely cript-tor, and sun rises.
Super cute ;)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bad taste in my mouth

I really fucking hate when I fuck up and people know it.
I hate what i did, and feel so fucking bad.
Tonight was full of laughs.
Although dayn stayed home, which was weird.
"At least the chief's still partying, that's a good sign''
Thanks rob.

Also, I hate that i'm not in any pictures when we have picture nights.
I'm never in them...It's almost like i'm never there and i'm just the driver.

Also, went to new hamilton skate park today, wickid park, cute fucking boys, and sweet set up..
Saw Nick k! which was a treat cause i forgot how much of a babe he is and i realized i was a fucking idiot for breaking up with him.....good one vanessa.
Hmm.. Mind's a-wandering.
Good day though, it was solid.

pineapple express

So, my phone is completely done, fuck.....i'm pissed.
These past few days, i've liked hanging out, my friends are being nice to each other, and the weathers nice and i'm excited for things coming up :)
I wish i had a damn job, what the fuck is with this recession shit, give me a job. PLEASE.
I've actually been trying so hard, but obviously not enough.
Fuck shit.
The girl in pineapple express looks like a girl i know, Weird....

Friday, May 8, 2009

the butter experience

So, tonight was really fun.
Hungout at my place, with my friends and parents friends. 
Volunteering tomorrow will be an experience and a half.
Ugh @ the giant thunderstorm...what the hell ?!
Bed. Goodnight.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Yesterday was fun, Toronto with some sexy ladies, and my boys. 
Went to see paul at the apartment. 
I actually melted then died. It's gorgeous, actually, ferociously gorgeous.
I'm so excited to get things started, Kelly and i are looking to get a 2 bedroom with a den maybe for kerri to stay in, or just have a pullout couch or something. If we're thinking correctly, it'll be like, 530.oo/month. Which is super cheap.
I'm so excited. 
Last night was also, interesting, We found out a friend of a friend died, he was in grade 11. Super sad :(
And, just sayin, if you know your going to get knocked out, i wouldn't be laughing...

Stoked on life (Y)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

silversun pickups

Lazy Eye, by the silversun pickup's seems to be the weekend song :)
This weekend was amazing (Y)
Thursday I went to strangelove for nicoles birthday, Kelly and I met a new boy named "Rameeze' with a 'z'...and he bought us drinks, and then met the infamous ....'jdoc' not impressed.
Dayn pulled a douchebag trick on me and so i was mad, but i went back to the partay and danced my face off. 
Then kelly was like 'im leavin' and im like 'okay..' so i left too.
Friday, was fred and matt's birthday. It was suh fun :D everything worked out and i was happy to see everyone drunk and having a good time.
Saturday, we woke up, and went to toronto for marijuana march ! It rained a bit, which sucked, but otherwise, it was SO awesome.  Such a cool experience, everyone was so chill and so intensely high. Went to smoke a session with allie and then peaced home.  Back at freds, josh had a bad headache, so we decided, we were going to take a nap. 9 rolls around and we head to franks. What a good party !  Alot of people, alot of booze, alot of sloppiness.
Cops showed up because of a noise complaint due to FNF playing in franks backyard. Good times. 
I got so stoned yesterday and actually loved every minute of it. I was not bummed at all, until rob asks me in a drunken state to makeout and i denied him and he got mad.
But...making out with 15 yr olds is okay....
He got poison ivy....LOL.
Overall a really good weekend, and Today is sunny, and warm and just a really good day to end this amazing weekend (Y)