Sunday, May 3, 2009

silversun pickups

Lazy Eye, by the silversun pickup's seems to be the weekend song :)
This weekend was amazing (Y)
Thursday I went to strangelove for nicoles birthday, Kelly and I met a new boy named "Rameeze' with a 'z'...and he bought us drinks, and then met the infamous ....'jdoc' not impressed.
Dayn pulled a douchebag trick on me and so i was mad, but i went back to the partay and danced my face off. 
Then kelly was like 'im leavin' and im like 'okay..' so i left too.
Friday, was fred and matt's birthday. It was suh fun :D everything worked out and i was happy to see everyone drunk and having a good time.
Saturday, we woke up, and went to toronto for marijuana march ! It rained a bit, which sucked, but otherwise, it was SO awesome.  Such a cool experience, everyone was so chill and so intensely high. Went to smoke a session with allie and then peaced home.  Back at freds, josh had a bad headache, so we decided, we were going to take a nap. 9 rolls around and we head to franks. What a good party !  Alot of people, alot of booze, alot of sloppiness.
Cops showed up because of a noise complaint due to FNF playing in franks backyard. Good times. 
I got so stoned yesterday and actually loved every minute of it. I was not bummed at all, until rob asks me in a drunken state to makeout and i denied him and he got mad.
But...making out with 15 yr olds is okay....
He got poison ivy....LOL.
Overall a really good weekend, and Today is sunny, and warm and just a really good day to end this amazing weekend (Y)

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