Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Bad taste in my mouth

I really fucking hate when I fuck up and people know it.
I hate what i did, and feel so fucking bad.
Tonight was full of laughs.
Although dayn stayed home, which was weird.
"At least the chief's still partying, that's a good sign''
Thanks rob.

Also, I hate that i'm not in any pictures when we have picture nights.
I'm never in them...It's almost like i'm never there and i'm just the driver.

Also, went to new hamilton skate park today, wickid park, cute fucking boys, and sweet set up..
Saw Nick k! which was a treat cause i forgot how much of a babe he is and i realized i was a fucking idiot for breaking up with him.....good one vanessa.
Hmm.. Mind's a-wandering.
Good day though, it was solid.

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