Monday, March 16, 2009

Driving makes me really sleepy.
I've had more hiccups today, than i have in the past year. what the FUCK !
My mom was reading my blog last night, and she goes 'these pictures aren't of you...' and i go 'duh'.
I'm so fucking sick. and all i want to do is sleep.
I want friday the 27th to come so i can party. =) hot flaaaashes.
I'm so excited to move out, i have to ask the bank about a loan. I hope cause my credit history's all cleaned out they'll lemme take out a a few thousand.
All i want is a nice-ish apartment, a bedroom that has nice painted walls that i can draw on, a bed that i can lie in and be comfy and warm and have people over and watch movies and cuddle.
FUCK. get me out of this town.

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