Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I am so fucking sick and tired of school, i just want it to be over, so i can find a god damned job.
Gather enough money to get the FUCK out of this drug reliant town. I hate grimsby with a god damned passion.
First of all, there are absolutely NO jobs, and when there are ? they hire like 90 year olds that really DON'T need a job but because they can work full days. PISS OFF
I'm actually so upset, I have actually applied everywhere 4000000 times. and not one call, not one close call. FUCK grimsby. I fucking hate this town and everyone in it. 
I want a boy who will move far away with me, that doesn't give a shit about my mood swings, my bad habits or my eating patterns. I want to live far away and be happy and have a cute apartment.
But keep dreamin' right ?
Oh, and on my way to school, i would have to hit a fucking rabbit, i cried.
Then i get to school and forget to put milk in my fucking tea. 
Today can't actually get any worse. I haven't been to school in mayyybe, 2 weeks. I have exams soon i think. Like i don't even know when anything is. 
There's only one thing/person on my mind, and it's really starting to make me go crazy.
Fuck this. I'm fucking pissed.

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