Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Today should be another universal 'holiday' called "Hangover Day". 
Although i was not drunk for st. pat's day, I did drink enough sugary drinks to make me feel like i'm 100% hungover.
I'm actually still pissed off at last night, i got my phone and my id stolen, but after yelling and getting pissed, i got them back. because someone's an asshole.
Today's the day, Road trippin' to windsor ! =) 
Hopefully the car ride there won't be too awkward for the people in my car.....oh well, I made a sweet mix cd that should cheer anyone up.
Hopefully it's as nice in Windsor as it is here. I've been loving the weather lately, but not school.
I'm so upset at myself for having no motivation. I think it's because dayn's here. I just want school to be over so i can move out. 
I don't think my parents get that i want to move out, soon, like, this summer.
I still need a job, I'm going to apply at shoppers again. AGAIN. for the thousandth and two times.
Oh well, Time to go clean, then peacin' to windsor. 

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