Sunday, March 29, 2009

i'm now titling my posts.

Last night, was a ridiculous, fun-filled night, with drunken slurs, a lot of driving, a lot of cigarettes, meeting new people, and fun, as i said.
Dayn had a drink-off with my mom, she won.
Matt jessome has a new wifey.
I still don't have a boyfriend and am still bummed out by last week's events.
Niagara falls seemed a little more crowded due to the nice weather, which i'm excited about.
Dayn's new girly is the best person alive, as is matt's. I love them both to pieces.
Dayn and i strolled home at 2:30, only to find my dad, munchin out on wheatabix, playing with army men. 
He was chewed....haha oh dad.
This weekend was really good, I met a lot of people, experienced some awesome new things and again, was DD....
Time flies when your havin fun. (Y).

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