Thursday, March 26, 2009

Reason's i should just die right now.
-my lisence is suspended for 60 days as of march 31st
-this means i won't be finishing school
-this means i won't be going anywhere
-this means i'm going to cry alot more
-this means my life fucking sucks right now.


  1. long story,
    basically, just don't get demerit points........:(

  2. ive lost a few from my accident when i like died and murdered my car off the 406.
    that sucks though, dont you have another way to the college? theres like 3 weeks left, your almost done! :(

  3. i know, i don't know what to do.
    i'm an upset rat right now.
    everything is crashing down on me at once. and everything's so heavy.
